Ordering Widgit Resources
Resources on CD or USB
For your convenience, Widgit can now make a personalised CD or USB stick of all your chosen resources.
For a minimum order value of £30 plus postage and packing costs we can transfer the files and add free resources at the same time.
You can place your order by any of the following methods:
Online: www.widgit.com
Phone: 01926 333680
Fax: 01926 885293
Email: orders@widgit.com
Resources as downloads
You can order resources online and pay by credit card or invoice.
Credit Card Orders
Online orders by credit card have no minimum value, and you will receive an email with a link to your download straight away. You can also access all your downloads at any time from your online account.
Schools and UK organisations can choose to be invoiced for online orders over £50. You will receive an email with a link to your downloads as soon as the invoice has been accepted.